Hi! I’m Lorena, welcome to my blog :)! I’m the chef and creator behind every recipe, photo and video you see here on Cravings Journal. My journey here started in my house in Lima, Perú, where my mom always made sure everything involved food. If my parent’s friends came over she would always prepare a huge meal. She even wanted to do the same when my friends came over and I just wanted her to order pizza as everyone else did… what a fool, lol! After high school, I got a Bachelor’s degree in Business Studies at a university and then worked at a company that eventually transferred me to Chile, where I live today. For me, it was a simple decision to move to Chile because my dad is Chilean and I came here often when I was a child. When I started to live by myself I realized that I had underappreciated my mom’s cooking! Then I started to cook to survive, and then I actually liked it and cooked for pleasure! Back in Lima, I did cook a bit but mostly desserts. And here’s where it clicked. I remember being in the kitchen of my flat, cooking for my roommate’s birthday party, and I thought “I could do this for the rest of my life.” If you want to know more about how I quit, moved to London to study to be a chef and started this blog, you can check out my career change post.

Cravings Journal
I started this blog not expecting much. I never thought, in my craziest dreams, that it would come to be what it is today. This blog started in English and after a bit, I also added a Spanish version, too! I created the blog when I lived in London and I thought it would be something that would last only the time I was there. The name “Cravings Journal” really reflects the intention behind the recipes on this site. They’re dishes that love and would happily each on a daily basis without thinking it twice. I refuse to make dishes or use ingredients that I don’t like because how would I know if the recipe worked? Here you’ll find sweet and savoury dishes for every occasion you can imagine.

A bit more about me
I live with my boyfriend Javier (Javi for everyone who knows me) and my dog Pepper (like Ironman’s girlfriend and also… like pepper). We also live with Joe, my sourdough starter. My work is dedicated almost 100% to the blog but I also work as a food photographer and stylist for brands and cookbooks. But, if I’m honest, what I enjoy the most by far is coming up with recipes for you guys. It’s amazing how I post a recipe and then it becomes a dish at your table. You use them for birthdays, celebrations and also for your everyday meals. This is really the greatest honour that exists because it’s like sitting at the table with you. I love, love, love my job!

Let’s connect!
If you need to send me an email you can do so to [email protected]
Also, you can follow me on social media: